Sometimes all it takes to re-center and refresh your mind and body is a good day (or week—who are we to limit you) staring off into a tranquil blue sea.

Channel your inner mermaid! 71% of our planet is covered in water of several bodies ranging in sizes, shapes and varying colours however, not all are entirely crystal clear or a stunning hue of aquamarine blue. And over time, the names of each water body may change but the striking beauty remains predominantly the same. It’s been said that blue is the most popular colour in the world and there’s something extra magical and especially desirable about blue waters.

What causes water to appear so spectacularly blue in some areas, and not in others? When light hits the water, it goes through a selective absorption process. The water filters the scattering of white light and red hues from the sun which will deliver a reflection of a distinct type of blue. Pure water is already slightly blue and the ambient environment of each water body also contributes to producing the unique hue specific to their geographic position(s).

Feast your eyes, entice your imagination, re-center yourself and find some inner peace as you deep dive into your daydreams with these 5 extraordinary underrated destinations with the bluest water in the world.

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