Settle in for a night of thrills and chills as we introduce you to 6 hair-raising Canadian supernatural locations of ghoulish unrest.

You may not always have the ability to see them, but they can see you – and if given the opportunity, apparitions tend to make themselves known by using various ways to communicate signs of their spirited existence. 

According to thousands of paranormal researchers, Canada has a chillingly deep, rich, and haunted history, baffling skeptics and rendering them speechless for ages. Canada is one of the safest countries on the planet however, we are still home to a slew of spooky places, ghastly bone-rattling legends, mysterious occurrences and resident ghosts from all walks of life, eras and centuries. 

It is most interesting when we encounter similar stories experienced in exact same locations told by several people at different times. It is hard to brush it off as your eyes or mind playing tricks on you, when the collective happenings discussed and compared are likely not a coincidence. In recent studies, dark tourism has become quite popular and continues to increase in popularity as time goes by. 

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