Langdon Hall executive chef JASON BANGERTER a knack for finding the best ingredients in the most unexpected places.

Going into his eighth summer as executive chef at Langdon Hall Country House Hotel & Spa in Cambridge, Ont., Jason Bangerter will only have a complete sense of what his menus will look like when he sees what the 75-acre property has to offer.

A big part of his job is roaming and exploring. Within an hour of foraging, he can often fill a container with more than 30 varieties of edible plants. Throughout the season, all the veggies on the plate come from the estate. “Each day there’s something new that blossoms that ends up on the menu somewhere,” says Bangerter, who trained at Toronto’s George Brown College and who has worked in kitchens in Paris, London, Germany and Switzerland. BOLD asked him to share a few of the stories behind some of his favourite photos.

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